Length Conversions

Which is more kilometer or mile? How do I convert feet to meters? What is the distance between sun and earth?
This set of online converters will help you quickly convert among different length units, from the  most common (like kilometer, meter, centimeter, millimeter, mile, feet, etc) to the historical and obsolete units, for a total of more than 1000 units of length.
Furthermore, you will have the chance to read about the background of length units and also to obtain the formulas behind the conversions.

Check out our most used converters…

Main Alternative Systems

Main systems in use in ancient times (or currently still in use)

Pre-metric Systems

Systems in use before the adoption of the metric system

Global Converter is proudly inspired by

How to use this converter

  1. Find the unit you want to convert from
  2. Click right after it
  3. Enter the value you want to convert
  1. The calculator will automatically convert the value in the other units

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